
Sunrise Domain (FAQs)

Have questions? We've got answers.

  • What is Sunrise?

    When a new generic top-level domain (gTLD) extension launches, there's a short period where domain names can not be registered by everyone, but only by those who have a trademark for the term they wish to register. This ensures that trademark holders can secure their names and safeguard them against malicious registrations. The Sunrise period for a new TLD lasts from 30 to 60 days, after which all names in that TLD are available for anyone to register.

  • How do I register my trademark domain name in Sunrise?

    To register your trademark as a domain name with any new gTLD, you must first submit your trademark to the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH). On doing so, your trademark will be verified and you will be assigned a signed mark-data (SMD) file, which can be used to register your trademark against any of the new gTLDs. To register your trademark now, please visit https://secure.trademark-clearinghouse.com

  • What is the Trademark Clearinghouse?

    The trademark clearinghouse (TMCH) is a database of verified trademarks that are already registered with the appropriate trademark offices. It provides trademark holders a single point of access to be able to register their domain name with any new gTLDs that launch in the future. Apart from offering Sunrise registration support, the TMCH also offers a trademark claims service that helps trademark holders monitor any attempts to register domain names that may contain their trademark.
    To know more about the trademark clearinghouse, please visit http://www.trademark-clearinghouse.com

  • How can I get my trademark registered in the TMCH?

    To register your trademark with the TMCH, please visit https://secure.trademark-clearinghouse.com Alternatively, you can register your trademark through any of the TMCH authorized agents, listed here http://www.trademark-clearinghouse.com/agents

  • What are the costs for registering domain names in the Sunrise period?

    The fees for registering your trademark with the TMCH are described here. These fees are not included in the price of the domain name being registered. The registration price may vary depending on the domain name, and may include a non-refundable application fee.